*This blog is no longer active. For all these posts and more please visit my new blog Maggie Muggins Designs!*

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fun Money

So I've heard about it, but honestly wasn't sure if I believed it. I mean, really, who believes the government would just give you money? But - apparently it's for real! It's called the Economic Stimulus Payment and if you have filed your taxes this year then sometime in May the government will be giving you money. You can find out more about it (and even figure out how much you'll be getting) at the IRS website.

As an important note: beware of anyone calling claiming to be from the IRS or emailing you. You can learn more about the scams and what to do about them here:

Having just learned about this myself, I have no idea what we're going to do with the fun money. But I have decided that it will be used for fun!

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